Friday, January 20, 2012

Google Docs Update

Hey All -

I believe I set everyone up as editors in Google docs.  If you have trouble accessing let me know.  The site is available to who ever has the link below in Baeednah's post.  I set it to everyone's Drexel address if that makes a difference for access, I don't believe it will though.


RJ's Bio

There's a lot of moving parts in our Team and it's my job to keep them all connected.  Being based out of my hometown of Blue Anchor, NJ, my responsibilities include technology solutions and social media integration support.  Finding new, innovative ways to keep a team connected who is all over the world is a challenge, but with the right tools, our collaboration can be more efficient than face-to-face meetings, and it's my job to make sure that happens seamlessly.

Google Docs up and running.

and Amy since you are the first one to submit the reaction paper, you're up first.

(RJ...I do not know how to add people...please help ;~)

Amy's Bio

Amy Addou, Public Relations Specialist

I am based in Paris, France and I handle publicity for the artists & entertainers managed by Four Star Platinum Squadron. I represent our clients and spread their messages to the public using social media as a conduit, such as Facebook. I ensure that all of our clients are portrayed by the public as positive, presentable, and likeable, in both appearance and conduct!

My biggest accomplishment thus far has been promoting successful recognition and publicity for FSPS' “two-time sexiest man alive” client, Actor George Clooney and all of his humanitarian efforts for Darfur, making him one of Time Magazine’s “Most Influential People” in 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Matt Lechtenberg, Strategy and Finances:

Matt has extensive experience in the entertainment industry. Located in Estes Park, Colorado, Matt supports Four Star Platinum Squadron with tactical media planning and financial strategy, both home and abroad, with virtual solutions to actual problems.

Four Star Platinum Squadron manages public relations for a growing portfolio of entertainers, including Adele, Them Crooked Vultures, comedian Brett Favre and singer David Hasselhoff (German markets only).


Baeednah's Bio

I bring you good music

Being the talent scout for FSPS is awesome! Not only do I discover the world's greatest artist, I do so while travel the world. While I am located in Philadelphia and have found many of FSPS's most talented artist here, I have traveled to Paris, Madrid, Israel and many of the islands. So if you want to witness Real talent follow me @Baeednah_fsps, and watch me bring the world's best talents from out of the world's darkest corner.


Matt's Reflection Paper


Just a fast note letting you know that I'll be writing my first reflection paper about adoption issues and virtual teams, something we are experiencing already and will want to include in our manual/case study.

I updated our previous group list:

  1. RJ: Difficulty of Technology and Virtual Teams
  2. Amy: Trust in Teams
  3. Baeednah: Importance of Leaders and managers in Virtual Teams
  4. Matt: Observations on adoption issues for virtual teams
 RJ, there may be a bit of overlap in what you and I are doing but I think that is fine, do you agree? Since the process of finding out what works and articulating why that's the case is crucial to our project, I think it is good we tackle this from two points-of-view. I was planning on detailing communication styles vs. technology more than issues with technology in general. Let me know if I'm stepping on your paper's toes here.



Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The FSPS is officially on Twitter!

Twitter IDs have been created for the Team!

Matt-Your Drexel address was coming up as previously used, if you have another email, let me know and I will set it up for you.

Amy:  @amy_fsps
Baeednah:  @baeednah_fsps
RJ:  @rj_fsps
Matt:  @matt_fsps (when I have your email address)

You can access twitter at on your computer to get a better view of the application.

Your accounts should already have us all set to "Follow" each other so you'll see tweets we send out on your timeline.  It's best to download the Twitter app for your smartphone, however, if you enter your phone number into the Mobile section, you'll receive SMS Text alerts when tweets are sent out.

Just be sure that whenever you send a tweet out, include the twitter handle you want to be able to receive an alert to.  For example your tweet may look like this:  "hey @rj_fsps twitter is amazing!" That way @rj_fsps will receive an alert as soon as you tweet.

Please go into your Drexel email account and follow the link twitter sent to confirm your new account.

Passwords are:  virtual303 (feel free to change them if you wish)

Let me know if you have any questions!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


B: Talent Scout/Networkgrrl
RJ: Tech Solutions, Social Support
Amy: Frontend PR, Spokeswoman
Matt: C.R.E.A.M. and 2Strategy
I started our FaceBook page, however I am having trouble naming the page our name.

Use of Twitter for FSPS

I'll be creating Twitter IDs for the group by tomorrow night, I'll keep you posted with the passwords and information about the Ids when they are available.  RJ

1/17/12 Collaborate Meeting

Table Items/Action Items

For this week:
  1. Set up FSPS Twitter Accounts this week: RJ will handle this for the group
  2. List technologies we will use: Skype, Twitter, Facebook, FourSquare, Googledocs
  3. Share ideas for Reflection paper and make it strategic to project:RJ: Difficulty of Technology and Virtual Teams, Amy: Trust in Teams, Baeednah: Importance of Leaders and managers in Virtual Teams, Matt: Observations on adoption issues for virtual teams.
  4. I think these should be guiding principles for Week 2/3 Writings (Reflection paper and text for Google Doc circulation) 
    1. Generating ideas and plans about the team's work, including collecting data to make decisions about plans 
    2. Solving routine problems where answers already exist 
    3. Solving ambiguous or complex problems where routine answers may not exist 
    4. Negotiating interpersonal or complicated technical conflicts between individual team members or organizations (Deborah L. Duarte;Nancy Tennant Snyder. Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques That Succeed (Wiley Desktop Editions) (Kindle Locations 398-399). Kindle Edition.)
  5. Review TABLE 2:1 (Tasks vs Communication Mode) (Deborah L. Duarte;Nancy Tennant Snyder. Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques That Succeed (Wiley Desktop Editions) (Kindle Location 408). Kindle Edition.) 
  6. Write bios: Include level of tech-comfort, 2 collaboration tools you will use and 2 you will not.