Four Star Platinum Squadron: Manual for FSPS Virtual Collaboration
Our proposal for PRST 303 will be an
operations manual for virtual collaboration, encompassing best practice, approved
methods for collaboration and the details
of the specific technologies the group chose to use, while actually creating the
manual for our fictional multi-national entertainment empire.
This blog will be one of the
asynchronous methods of communication across our team (in addition to email)
but will primarily act as a repository of our efforts and act as a soundboard;
e.g. copies of team chat transcriptions, links to websites of interest for the team
and notifications to the team.
We intend to experiment with Wiki, Twitter,
Chat, Skype, Facebook, Google Docs, Adobe Connect and other technologies as solutions and
use that survey to fuel the content choices for our manual and build a consensus
for works best.
Practical experience plus classroom
theory should yield an interesting experience and a realistic product.
We will select our team leader 1/14/12 when we are joined in class by Amy. EDIT: The group has selected Matt as leader. In Week 2 we will finish
surveying all the technologies listed above, describe the sections of the
manual from a project management point of view and establish roles for team
members and tasks, leaving room for incorporating new learning both in and
outside of the classroom. Week 3 we will describe a fictional project that our team must complete to provide context to this exercise and backlight the selection and rejection methods our group employs.
The Four Star Platinum Squadron
Amy Addou
Baeednah Anderson
Matt Lechtenberg
Robert Pino
Baeednah Anderson
Matt Lechtenberg
Robert Pino
This looks great! It really sums up the goals that we're trying to accomplish along with a mission statement of our project.