Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1/17/12 Collaborate Meeting

Table Items/Action Items

For this week:
  1. Set up FSPS Twitter Accounts this week: RJ will handle this for the group
  2. List technologies we will use: Skype, Twitter, Facebook, FourSquare, Googledocs
  3. Share ideas for Reflection paper and make it strategic to project:RJ: Difficulty of Technology and Virtual Teams, Amy: Trust in Teams, Baeednah: Importance of Leaders and managers in Virtual Teams, Matt: Observations on adoption issues for virtual teams.
  4. I think these should be guiding principles for Week 2/3 Writings (Reflection paper and text for Google Doc circulation) 
    1. Generating ideas and plans about the team's work, including collecting data to make decisions about plans 
    2. Solving routine problems where answers already exist 
    3. Solving ambiguous or complex problems where routine answers may not exist 
    4. Negotiating interpersonal or complicated technical conflicts between individual team members or organizations (Deborah L. Duarte;Nancy Tennant Snyder. Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques That Succeed (Wiley Desktop Editions) (Kindle Locations 398-399). Kindle Edition.)
  5. Review TABLE 2:1 (Tasks vs Communication Mode) (Deborah L. Duarte;Nancy Tennant Snyder. Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques That Succeed (Wiley Desktop Editions) (Kindle Location 408). Kindle Edition.) 
  6. Write bios: Include level of tech-comfort, 2 collaboration tools you will use and 2 you will not.

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you guys know where I am and also see if Twitter is working...

    I can use: Skype, Twitter, Facebook

    I haven't used FourSquare or Googledocs yet.
